Revival in Your Family and Church Family
When you think about your family, who comes to mind? We often limit our view of family to those we’re biologically connected to. But what if we saw family the way Jesus did?
In Matthew 12:46-50, while speaking to a crowd, Jesus’ mother and brothers want to speak with Him. Someone tells Him, "Your mother and brothers are outside." Jesus replies, "Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?" He points to His disciples and says, "Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother."
In this moment, Jesus redefines family. He shifts the focus from earthly, biological ties to spiritual bonds—those formed by obedience to God’s will. Jesus shows that His true family is made up of those who follow God, obey His commands, and live according to His purpose.
This understanding challenges us to rethink what it means to be family, especially within the church. The church is not just a place to attend services; it’s a spiritual family—a community bound together by a common love for Christ and His mission. The church is meant to be a place where relationships are deep, supportive, and transformative; where we encourage each other to grow in our faith and live out God’s will.
In Acts 2:42-47, we see the early church living out this kind of family. They gathered in homes, shared meals, prayed together, and cared for each other’s needs. Their bond was not just social, but spiritual—a family living out the love and unity that Jesus calls us to. These believers weren’t just friends; they were united by a common mission and a shared love for Jesus.
When we view the church as family, it means that our relationships with one another should be built on a deep, Christ-centered commitment. While friendships may come and go, the family of God is committed to supporting one another in ways that go beyond mere friendship. This bond is meant to be lasting and rooted in love for Jesus.
In your immediate family, you may be praying for revival—asking God to heal broken relationships and bring restoration. Remember, this desire for revival is not just for your family but for the family of God, the church. God longs to restore and revive us—individually and together. As we experience personal revival, we should also be seeking to extend that revival to others.
Revival is not just for those within the church; it is about inviting those outside to come in and be part of God’s family. In a season of revival, the church must not only strengthen its own bonds but also reach out to those who don’t yet know Christ, inviting them to join the spiritual family. This is a core part of the mission of the church—to bring the lost into the family of God.
As we think about revival, let’s not just focus on our own growth, but on reaching others who are far from God. The church is meant to be a place where people are welcomed into family, where they experience the love, support, and transformation that comes from being part of the body of Christ. In this way, revival isn't just personal—it’s communal. Together, let’s prayerfully consider how we can invite others to be part of the church family and experience the life-changing love of Jesus.
These are the markers of a family in Christ.
Father, thank You for the gift of community and family within the church. Thank you, Lord, that we have family to grow and learn, and lock arms with on this journey with Jesus. Help us to embrace one another as siblings in Christ, brothers, and sisters, building each other up in love and unity. May our relationships always reflect Your heart Jesus and lead to a revival that brings glory to Your name. In Jesus’ Name