The Lost are looking. Are we looking for the lost?
God’s original design for His people is to have a relationship with Him. It is through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross that we receive salvation and can experience this intimacy with Him.
Our heavenly Father graciously entered this world in the flesh by sending His only Son Jesus to die a sinner’s death, ultimately bringing reconciliation between God and His people. Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection demonstrated the depth of His love for us; all who were once lost and apart from Him. How amazing that Jesus stepped down from his heavenly throne to enter humanity and experience life just like you and I. He not only lived a sinless life but modeled God’s heart to reach the lost – which would become our highest calling as sons and daughters of God. God’s deep heart of love and compassion breaks to see His children live in sin and apart from Him.
Through the parable of the lost sheep in Luke 15:1-7, Jesus emphasizes the importance of leaving the ninety-nine to pursue the one who is lost. Do you remember the first moment you came to realize God’s reckless love for you? Where were you? Did God send someone to you as an advocate of His love for you? How did that revelation draw you to repent and surrender your life to Him? We must never forget the moment in time when we were that one lost sheep, distant and in need of a Savior. It was God’s grace and goodness that followed us despite our sin and unfaithfulness to Him.
In Luke 19:10, we read Jesus’ words “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost”. In this passage, Jesus refers to all of humanity who are apart from Christ and in need of salvation. His primary mission during his time on earth was to seek out sinners and point them toward a restored relationship with their Creator. Like Jesus, we ought to pursue those who are spiritually lost and do not know Him personally so they can experience His forgiveness and live the abundant, free life we have experienced. God has done something in your life that has given you a story, a testimony, that you can simply share with others. That’s your part. God does all the rest.
As Christ-followers, let’s join faith to believe for revival in the hearts of those who are lost and let the Holy Spirit lead us and guide us to those who need to hear about Jesus today!
Heavenly Father, thank you for your love. Thank you for sending Jesus who endured all suffering and died on the cross so that we could be saved and restored to a right relationship with you. Thank you that when we were once lost, you found us. Thank you for your Holy Spirit who lives within us and will continue to guide us to the lost. Lord, give us eyes to see and ears to hear those who need to hear about Jesus. Give us courage and boldness to share the Gospel message. May revival stir in our hearts and overflow into our community and the hearts of those who have yet to know you. In Jesus’ Name